Unrefined Shea Butter

shea butter in a bowl

Unrefined Shea Butter means that you get 100 percent of its renown moisturizing and nourishing benefits. It is the best food for your skin. The term also implies that the product is vegan and cruelity-free. This product is easy to use wither in DIY recipes or alone; each package comes with detailed directions on how to use the product.
It is soft, creamy and melts fast which makes it perfect for making some of the homemade preparations such as lotions, soaps, creams, lip balms, body butter, deodorants, lotions bars, hair conditioners and much more.
We provide the softest, easy-to-use, highest quality, organic shea butter to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. Our shea butter is 100 percent unrefined and pure. This means that it has no additives, no chemicals. Just a pure, skin-nourishing shea butter which is perfect for your skin issues like cracked, dry, acne, eczema skin.
Our Unrefined Shea Butter retains the colour, nutrients and, smell of the Shea seed. It is the ideal product for your therapeutic recipes, or as a remedy to feed your nails, skin, and nails.
Unrefined Shea Butter has a punchy smell and distinctive colour while a refined Shea is white and odorless butter which won’t overpower other ingredients in your beauty recipes.
History of Unrefined Shea butter
The history of shea butter traces back in the Ancient Egypt where the Queen kept in stock jars of pure and unrefined shea butter. Today, this product has become very popular and is referred to as ‘women’s gold’ as it is a crucial source of income for women especially in the Western Africa Community.
Shea butter is extracted from an indigenous tree in Africa known as Vitellaria paradoxa. They are wild-growing trees which produce almond-like fruit that every May start falling on the ground. People in villages harvest these fruits and then separate them from the nut, boil and then let the butter oat at the surface. It is then milled for ltered to get rid of any impurities and packaged in blocks.
How it works
Moisturizes skin and hair
The high concentration of fatty acids and natural vitamins in our unrefined Shea Butter makes it incredibly moisturizing and nourishing for the hair and scalp to help prevent dandruff. Besides, the Vitamin seals in moisture into your skin to prevent, cellulite, scarring, and stretch marks. It is also perfect for dry hands, heals, rough knees and elbows.
Diminishes wrinkles and fine lines
Our Unrefined Shea Butter helps in skin’s natural collagen production and has stearic, linolenic, palmitic, and oleic acids that nourish and protect the skin. Besides, because it is unrefined, it proved to have anti-aging benefits. After a long-term use, most people report skin strengthening and softening as well as wrinkle reduction
Reduces inflammation and dryness
Our Shea Butter has cinnamic acid and other vital health benefits which offers natural anti-inflammatory features. Furthermore, lupeol cinnamate, a compound in shea butter is said to reduce skin inflammation and also help in avoiding skin mutations. This makes it beneficial especially to people with acne.

  • Last up to two years when stored properly
  • Helps stop stretching and itching of the skin
  • 100% safe for children, men, and women
  • Have phenols, antioxidants found in green tea
  • Protects the skin from sunlight, strong winds, and pollution
  • Fights wrinkles, stretch marks, uneven skin tones, and scars.
  • Repairs severely aggravated skin and oxidative stress
  • Have fatty acids, Vitamins E and F for deep moisture without greasiness
  • Naturally non-comedogenic
  • Has anti-inflammatory agents to reduce sting, swelling, and redness
  • Contains Vitamin A for collagen production and cellular turn over.
  • Many additional uses such as scalp treatment, hair serum, lip treatment, and ointment.
  • FAQs
    Is this bleached or unbleached? How is it extracted?
    Our Unrefined Shea Butter is unbleached and it is not extracted with Hexane or any other petroleum solvent. Instead, it is cold pressed.
    What is the best way to store shea butter?
    Shea Butter can be stored in a container of your choice, from plastic container with a lid to a zip-lock plastic bag, glass jar or a container. Regardless of which container you use, make sure that the Shea Butter is stored away from direct heat.
    Is this product vegan?
    Yes, it is vegan. It comes from the seeds of the fruit of Shea tree and it naturally rich in Vitamins A, E, and F.
    What is the difference between refined and unrefined shea butter?
    Unrefined is unprocessed, solid, and raw and it is extracted naturally without any petroleum solvents.
    Does the Shea Butter Smell?
    No, the Shea Butter doesn’t smell. It has a natural scent that does not linger when applied to skin or hair.
    Can it be used by anyone?
    Yes! This is the beauty of our unrefined shea butter. It can be used by anyone in any climate. It is versatile and you can control how much you want to use because it is natural.
    What makes the Unrefined Shea Butter so smooth?
    Shea Butter attains its smoothness during kneading. After the shea butter has been extracted, it is kneaded to smooth out the big lumps making it easier to apply.